International Conference on Nonoperative Treatment of Bones Muscles and Internal Organs

International Conference on Nonoperative Treatment of Bones Muscles and Internal Organs

Lublin, Poland 2021

Lublin Conference Centre

+ 48 791 592 958


Author: admin

The Conference, combined with training workshops, will take place in 2021 in Lublin, Poland. The event is targeted at people interested in research topics connected with non-operative treatment of muscles, bones, skin and internal organs. We invite orthopaedists, surgeons, physiotherapists, radiologists, rehabilitation, sports and emergency medicine physicians, and all other specialists. Organizers invite to discuss and present works concerning: ✅ diagnostics and pharmacological or functional treatment, ✅ comparison of surgical

National Representation of Graduate Students (KRD) is a Polish nationwide representative, speaking on behalf of PhD students. KRD gives opinions and submits proposals concerning all graduate students. Furthermore, it develops doctoral home rule, cooperates with centers supporting scientific activities and facilitates initiatives of graduate students.