Sport and nutrition
You are kindly invited to present your works or to participate as a listener in ‘sport and nutrition’ session during International Conference of Surgery and Non-operative Orthopaedics. Proposed subject areas for presentation in ‘Sports and nutrition’ session are as follows:- doping in sport- nutritional strategies for sportspeople- supplementation in sport- modern dietary diagnostics- acidification of human body- the role of sports medicine - advantages of doing sports- sport psychology- jurisprudence
Systemic diseases
We encourage you to present subjects concerning diseases connected with movement system and internal organs such as: osteoporosis, rheumatic diseases, cancers, osteoarthritis, inflammations, endocrine disorders.
Proposed subject area of presentation in psychological session: health psychology, clinical psychology, positive psycho-oncology, geriatric psychiatry, sport psychology. Main themes involve: psychological diagnosis and psychotherapy, patient-therapist-doctor cooperation, psychological aspects of disabilities and injuries, stress managing, psychology of hope, motivation in treatment of motor system and internal organs diseases.
TVP3 (formerly TVP Regionalna, known also as Regionalna Trójka or Program 3 Telewizji Polskiej) is a Polish TV channel.
Medycyna Praktyczna
Monthly published journal for internists and general practitioners.
MEDtube is an online video-centric education and communication platform for healthcare professionals. It is free to use by the HCP community, however registration is required to benefit from all the website's functionalities. The library contains of medical videos, images, medical cases, visualizations and animations, eCourse, interviews, presentations, webcasts, case-reports and other professional materials in all medical specialties. It also comprises eLearning courses, tests, eBooks and event calendar.
Ambassador Program
You are welcome to join Ambassador Program of our Conference. Get the free registration and workshops. For details please write to
Polish Academy of Sciences
Polish Academy of Sciences took Patronage of the Conference.
Ministry of Health of Republic of Poland
Minister of Health of Republic of Poland Prof. Łukasz Szumowski took the patronage of the Conference.
The Conference will be held at Lublin Conference Centre in Lublin which is in the very centre of the city at Artur Grottger 2 Street.